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Result viewerThe Result viewer presents the modeled:
as they were calculated in the MACEB project. The results are shown as graphic maps. You can select on the menus below the variable, scenario and year to be shown, as well as time resolution and map projection. For each scenario you can also open a map showing the difference between base year and the selected scenario.
Definitions of variablesBC (OC, SO2) emissionsThe amount of black carbon (organic carbon and sulphur dioxide) emitted per unit area of the Earth surface. The emissions can be plotted separately for each month (monthly) or over the year (annual). BC, OA or sulphate surface air concentrationConcentration of black carbon (BC), organic aerosol (OA) or sulphate in the air near the Earth surface averaged over one month (monthly) or over the year (annual). BC, OA or sulphate burdenTotal amount of black carbon (BC), organic aerosol (OA) or sulphate integrated over the atmospheric column per unit area of the Earth surface. BC snow depositionThe amount of black carbon (BC) deposited onto snow by dry or wet deposition or by sedimentation per unit area of the Earth surface in each month (monthly) or over the year (annual). TOA forcingThe change in the clear-sky, top-of-the atmosphere (TOA), radiative forcing due to changes in black carbon, organic aerosol and sulphate concentrations as compared with the base year (2005). The changes in forcing have been determined for a number of emission scenarios for years 2020 and 2030, as well as by omitting emissions from Finland (no Finnish emissions) or from all EU-27 countries (No EU-27 emissions). Atmospheric absorptionAerosol absorption is the aerosol clear-sky forcing difference between top-of-the atmosphere and surface. It shows how much the aerosol particles can absorb radiation in the atmosphere. Since it is based on clear-sky forcing fluxes, the values should be considered as the maximum potential of absorption. ScenariosBase yearEmissions, concentrations and impacts in 2005. CLECThe International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2009 Reference scenario CLECCThe International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2009 Reference scenario with GHG oriented climate measures BCaddMitigation scenario with black carbon oriented measures. MTFRMitigation scenario with maximum reduction of BC, OC and SO2 emissions. No Finnish emissions (2005)Model run for the base year without Finnish emissions in order to study the relative impact of Finnish emissions. No EU-27 emissions (2005)Model run for the base year without EU-27 emissions in order to study the relative impact of EU-27 emissions. More information on scenarios |
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