Mitigation opportunities


There are several ways for successful mitigation of black carbon emissions. As black carbon is a product of incomplete combustion, it is possible to reduce the forming of black carbon particles by improving the combustion processes. It is also possible to mitigate the emissions by cleaning flue gases after the combustion process. Most important mitigation measures in global context include cleaner residential combustion stoves, diesel particulate filters, ban of agricultural waste burning and more efficient processes in traditional coking and brick making.

Photo: Flickr, Massachusetts Dept of Environmental Protection

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Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone (PDF)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 2011

Burn Wise programme (US EPA)

Burn it Smart programme (The Wood Heat Organization Inc., Canada)

Reducing air pollution from residential wood compustion (The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, in Finnish)

Campaign for better residential wood combustion (Helsinki Region Environmental Services, HSY, in Finnish)

logos of organizations involved in this MACEB project